The Boston Region MPO has developed an interactive dashboard that tells the story of how the Boston region’s transportation system has changed over time. Visit the dashboard to explore information about these topics:
• crashes involving motorized vehicles and crashes causing injuries to bicyclists and pedestrians
• the condition of bridges in the region
• the condition of pavement on interstates and arterial roadways
• on-road and off-road bicycle facilities
• the presence of sidewalks in municipalities
• congestion on expressways and arterial roadways
• characteristics of the people who use the transportation system
The information is presented at both the regional and municipal levels, so you can use this tool to learn more about the towns where you live, work, and play, as well as the region as a whole.
The dashboard is the first step in the MPO’s emergent performance-based planning and programming process (PBPP), which uses data to measure the progress supported by the MPO’s spending decisions to meet its desired goals and objectives. PBPP includes three phases:
Plan: Establish the goals and objectives, performance measures, and targets that will guide MPO decision-making, and identify and acquire necessary data.
Program: Use the framework established in the planning phase to create a strategy for investing MPO funds.
Monitor and Evaluate: Review and report on the outcomes of MPO investment decisions with respect to performance measures and targets, and determine what framework or strategy adjustments are needed.
The MPO is now incorporating federal requirements—including requirements for tracking specific measures and setting targets—into its PBPP, in addition to addressing the unique planning needs of the MPO.
As the PBPP unfolds, this dashboard will be updated to reflect new data, measures, targets, and graphics. Keep coming back to see these upgrades!