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Dear [NAME],


I am writing to express the support of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the [AGENCY NAME]’s [GRANT NAME] application. If awarded, this grant would allow [AGENCY] to implement [PROJECT FEATURES].


[Sentence about grant program and intended outcomes from Notice of Funding Opportunity. Narrative from grant application, provided by project proponent, connecting to grant program goals].


The Boston Region MPO envisions an equitable, pollution-free, and modern regional transportation system that gets people to their destinations safely, easily, and reliably, and that supports an inclusive, resilient, healthy, and economically vibrant Boston region. If implemented, this project will help the Boston region to make advances towards its [Equity/Safety/Mobility and Reliability/Access and Connectivity/Resiliency/Clean Air and Healthy Communities] goal. Thank you for your attention on this matter. 




Chair/Vice Chair, Boston Region MPO



Requests from Proponents