Boston Region MPO FFYs 2024-28 Transportation Improvement Program: Project Scoring Summary 3/2/2022


Bicycle Network and Pedestrian Connections Program

Proponent Project Number Project Name MAPC Subregion Project Status Project Cost Cost / Road Mile Total Score Total Base Score Total Scaled Equity Score Safety  Safety Equity Score System Preservation and Modernization System Preservation Equity Score Capacity Management and Mobility Capacity Management Equity Score Clean Air and Sustainable Communities Clean Air Equity Score Economic Vitality
Malden 613088 Spot Pond Brook Greenway ICC PRC-Approved (12/20/2022) $3,250,000 $8,362,573 73 61 12 16.5 3.6 10 2.4 18 5.4 5 0.6 11.5
Natick 610691 Cochituate Rail Trail Extension MWRC 25% Received (11/21/2022) $6,690,043 $79,289,399 67 59 8 12 2 11 2.2 18 3.6 5 0.2 13
            Possible Points 100 80 20 20 5.6 14 4.8 18 7.2 14 2.4 14



Complete Streets Program

Proponent Project Number Project Name MAPC Subregion Project Status Project Cost Cost / Road Mile Total Score Total Base Score Total Equity Score Safety  Safety Equity Score System Preservation and Modernization System Preservation Equity Score Capacity Management and Mobility Capacity Management Equity Score Clean Air and Sustainable Communities Clean Air Equity Score Economic Vitality
Bellingham 612963 Roadway Rehabilitation of Route 126 (Hartford Road) from 800 feet north of the Interstate 495 northbound off-ramp to Medway town line (including Bridge B-06-017). SWAP PRC-Approved (9/15/2022) $10,950,000 $22,383,275 51.8 46.5 5.3 13 1.55 15 2.1 7.5 1.4 5 0.25 6
Boston 612989 Bridge Preservation, B-16-066 (38D), Cambridge Street over MBTA ICC PRC-Approved (12/21/2022) $15,400,000 $991,609,756 53.1 47.25 5.9 5 0.77 15 1.8 12.5 2.56 4.5 0.77 10.25
Ipswich 612738 Argilla Roadway Reconstruction and Adaptation (Crane Estate to Crane Beach) NSTF PRC-Approved (5/12/2022) $5,500,000 $33,689,095 37.1 34 3.1 6 0.5 14 1.3 4 1 5 0.3 5
Wakefield 610545 Envision Wakefield—Main Street Complete Streets Improvements NSPC PRC-Approved (12/19/2019) $16,581,200 $43,691,354 61.8 53 8.8 13 2.6 13 2.7 10 3.1 6 0.4 11
Westwood 608158 Reconstruction of Canton Street (East Street Rotary and University Avenue), including Bridge N25032 TRIC 25% Received (2/18/2022) $19,047,306 $29,106,536 53.3 48.25 5 12 1.54 14.5 1.67 9 1.54 3.75 0.25 9
            Possible Points 100 80 20 18 4.6 20 5.6 18 7.2 12 2.6 12



Intersection Improvements Program

Proponent Project Number Project Name MAPC Subregion Project Status Project Cost Cost / Road Mile Total Score Total Base Score Total Equity Score Safety  Safety Equity Score System Preservation and Modernization System Preservation Equity Score Capacity Management and Mobility Capacity Management Equity Score Clean Air and Sustainable Communities Clean Air Equity Score Economic Vitality
Canton** N/A Randolph and York Street Intersection Signalization TRIC Pre-PRC $500,000 $25,882,353 N/A* N/A N/A 10 1.5 8 2.5 0 0 0 0 6.5
            Possible Points 100 80 20 21 5.4 17 5.4 18 6.8 12 2.4 12



Community Connections Program

Proponent Project Name MAPC Subregion Project Cost Cost/Monthly Passenger Trip Total Score Connectivity Coordination Plan Implementation Transportation Equity Mode Shift and Demand Projection Fiscal Sustainability
Concord Concord Workforce Shuttle** MAGIC $369,911 $155 71 13 15 6 6 21 10
MWRTA CatchConnect Microtransit Expansion Phase 2** MWRC $402,500 $93 90 17 15 15 9 24 10
North Reading North Reading Demand-Response Shuttle Pilot Program** NSPC $77,637 $348 77.25 16.25 15 9 9 18 10
Revere Revere On-Demand Shuttle Service** ICC $980,976 $30 57 17 0 3 12 15 10
Boston Boston Electric BlueBikes Adoption ICC $1,020,000 $21 84 17 15 6 12 24 10
Cambridge Cambridge Electric BlueBikes Adoption ICC $352,575 $13 81 17 15 6 9 24 10
Canton Canton Center Bicycle Racks TRIC $10,000 $12 72 14 9 12 6 21 10
Canton Canton Public Schools Bike Program TRIC $22,500 $4 38 13 0 6 6 3 10
Lynn Broad Street Corridor Transit Signal Priority ICC $297,800 $2 88 17.5 12 13.5 12 23 10
Medford Medford Bicycle Parking—Tier 1 ICC $29,600 $12 84 17 12 12 9 24 10
Medford Medford Bluebikes Expansion ICC $118,643 $53 78 17 15 3 9 24 10
Possible Points         Possible Points 100 18 15 15 18 24 10




*This project was not recommended for moving forward at TIP Readiness Days until the project is formally intiated through MassDOT's system and goes through the Project Review Committee. Staff are actively working with the project proponent and MassDOT District 6 to initiate this project.


**The proponents for these shuttle projects requested funding for FFY 2024 and additional years. Concord requested $139,749 in FFY 2024, $122,165 in FFY 2025, and $107,997 in FFY 2026. The MWRTA requested $140,000 in FFY 2024, $132,500 in FFY 2025, and $130,000 in FFY 2026. North Reading requested $41,787 in FFY 2024 and $35,850 in FFY 2025. Revere requested $356,825 in FFY 2024, $338,521 in FFY 2025, and $285,630 in FFY 2026. The figures in the Cost/Monthy Passenger Trip column only show the cost per monthly user for the first year of funding.


MWRTA = MetroWest Regional Transit Authority. N/A = not applicable. PRC = MassDOT's Project Review Committee. TBD = to be determined.

Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) Subregions: ICC = Inner Core Committee. MAGIC = Minuteman Advisory Group on Interlocal Coordination. MWRC = MetroWest Regional Collaborative. NSPC = North Suburban Planning Council. NSTF = North Shore Task Force. SSC = South Shore Coalition. SWAP = SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee. TRIC = Three Rivers Interlocal Council.