The investment programs listed below would support projects that cost less than $20 million and do not add capacity to the existing transportation network. For each program, MPO staff has listed types of projects that the MPO is already funding through these programs ("existing") and other types of projects that the MPO could fund through these programs ("new" and shaded gray). MPO staff have also proposed a new program (shaded gray) for transit project types that would not be accomodated under existing programs. MPO staff identified these project types based on analysis conducted for the Needs Assessment and on public input. The MPO would highlight this set of project types when identifying project types that municipalities, MassDOT, or other entities could advance to the MPO for consideration.

Policy Question: Does the MPO want to incorporate additional types of projects into existing investment programs and/or add new programs?




Table 1
Existing and Proposed Lower Cost Investment Programs for Consideration in Destination 2040

Investment Program Existing/ New Types of Projects* Safety  System Preservation Capacity Management and Mobility  Clean Air/ Sustainable Communities Transportation Equity  Economic Vitality
Intersection Improvements  Existing  Signal improvements (modernize existing signals, add new signals, or implement transit signal priority) X X X X X X
NA Existing Intersection geometry improvements (addition of turning lanes, shortened crossing distances for pedestrians, sidewalk improvements and curb cuts, and striping and lighting for bicyclists) X X X X X X
Complete Streets  Existing Modernize roadway corridors (continuous sidewalks and bicycle lanes, cycle tracks, and other bicycle facilities, updated signals at multiple intersections along a corridor, or improvements to bridges, drainage, pavement, and roadway geometry) X X X X X X
NA New Construction of dedicated bus lanes and  associated roadway improvements NA NA X X X X
NA New Climate resiliency improvements, including stormwater management improvements  NA X NA NA X X
Bicycle Network and Pedestrian Connections Existing Expansion of bicycle and pedestrian networks, including new off-road bicycle or multi-use paths, improved bicycle and pedestrian crossings, new sidewalks, traffic calming improvements, sidewalk network expansion, and enhanced signage and lighting X X X X X X
Community Transportation/Parking/ Clean Air and Mobility Existing Transit Operations: Projects that close gaps in the transit network (first-mile/last-mile shuttles, partnerships with transportation network companies, transit enhancements, and technology updates) NA NA X X X X
NA Existing Parking Management: Additional parking for automobiles and bicycles, and leasing off-site parking near transit stations with shuttles connections NA NA X X X X
  Existing Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: Bicycle and pedestrian improvements for transit access, improvements to non-automotive transportation infrastructure for travelers with mobility impairments, and training and equipment for bicycles on transit NA NA X X X X
Community Transportation/Parking/ Clean Air and Mobility Existing Education and Wayfinding: Projects could include travel instruction, training on new technologies, signage, and pilot or demonstration projects     X X X X
  New Connect Elderly Adults with Transportation: Connect elderly adults with transportation options, such as transportation network companies NA NA X X X NA
Transit Modernization Program New Flex  MPO discretionary funding to transit modernization projects such as station or facility improvements or climate resiliency projects to improve transit infrastructure X X X X X X

* The MPO will encourage municipalities, MassDOT, and other entities to incorporate climate resiliency into the design of any project submitted to the MPO for consideration, and the MPO will consider climate resiliency as part of project evaluation and selection.



This table outlines project types within the MPO's Major Infrastructure program, which includes any project that costs more than $20 million and/or adds capacity to the transportation network. Projects that meet one or both of these criteria must be specifically included in an LRTP before they can be programmed in the TIP. MPO staff has listed types of Major Infrastructure projects that the MPO has recently programmed using its Regional Target Funds ("existing") and other types of projects that the MPO could fund ("new" and shaded gray). MPO staff have included the new category for Major Infrastructure project types that is not currently being funded because of the MPO's policy of not funding the high cost projects. MPO staff identified these Major Infrastructure project types based on analysis conducted for the Needs Assessment and on public input. The MPO would highlight this set of project types when identifying project types that municipalities, MassDOT, or other entities could advance to the MPO for consideration.

Policy Questions: When developing Charting Progress to 2040, the MPO set a policy of programming no more than 50 percent of funding in each LRTP five-year time band to Major Infrastructure projects. Does the MPO want to affirm this policy for Destination 2040 or change it? How does the MPO want to consider different Major Infrastructure project types as part of this policy?



Table 2
Major Infrastructure Project Type Categories for Consideration in Destination 2040

Investment Program Existing/New Types of Projects* Safety  System Preservation Capacity Management and Mobility  Clean Air/ Sustainable Communities Transportation Equity  Economic Vitality
Major Infrastructure Existing Transit expansion/modernization, such as funding for rail extensions or facility or station improvements X X X X X X
NA Existing  Large Complete Street projects (programmed projects of this scale include Highland Avenue/Needham Street in Newton and Needham, and Melnea Cass Boulevard in Boston) X X X X X X
NA New Interchange modernization (for example, I-95/I-95 Canton, I-95/I-95 Woburn, or the Braintree Split) X X X X NA X

* The MPO will encourage municipalities, MassDOT, and other entities to incorporate climate resiliency into the design of any project submitted to the MPO for consideration, and the MPO will consider climate resiliency as part of project evaluation and selection.