The 2004 Congestion Management System Report

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Posted 2/05

This report of the Congestion Management System (CMS) for the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) documents the region´s mobility concerns. The report contains the most recent performance-monitoring information on the regional transportation system, including arterial roadways and limited-access highways, public transit systems, and park-and-ride lots. The report also presents information on roadway crashes, HOV lane travel time savings, TDM-related activities, bicycle and pedestrian accessibility to transit stations, and an assessment of the suitability for bicycling of the arterial roadways in the CMS network. The information compiled and general analysis of it provide the basis for CTPS to set forth recommendations to the MPO for congestion-reducing and mobility-enhancing actions to be considered in the MPO planning and programming processes, such as the UPWP, TIP, and long-range Regional Transportation Plan.

The report´s appendices, which include various tables and maps, are available (in PDF or XLS) on a CD that also contains the main body of the report (in PDF) and associated data files (in XLS).

Due to the size of this document, it may only be downloaded in sections.